Variations on a Theme by
Two Walnut Trees

Early October morning
undisturbed blue sky
frost-laden countryside
winding dirt road
slow-moving creek

birds chatting
creek gurgling
squirrels rummaging

I stopped my car to admire the lavish set
sat there in the barely quiet

And, then, with the first falling green ball,
the concert began.

1, 3, 5, 2, 6, 4, 1, 3, 5, 4, 2


The audience departs.

1. landing in the tall soft grass
2. dropping into a forsythia bush
3. smacking a thick limb
4. belly-flopping into the creek
5. thumping on the road
6. double-tapping two small limbs
7. crashing onto the roof of the car

Harry W. Yeatts Jr.